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Jan. 28 2013
To me, 4-H meetings were a place to get things done. We made money through hard work and gave it to the homeless
Jan. 25 2013
A degree of closure has come in the sensational animal abuse video case that occurred in Idaho last October. Jesus Garza, 25, one of three employees seen abusing cattle in an undercover video that was...
Jan. 7 2013
All the U.S. Department of Justice's work to ensure market competition for consumers might have went down the drain this past weekend as Golden Guernsey located in Waukesha, Wis., unexpectedly shut its...
Jan. 1 2013
Every event in life is a learning experience, even if what you learn is "I don't want to do that again." The same can be said of 2012. It was a year that flew by but still left many lessons for dairy producers....
Dec. 17 2012
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Dec. 14 2012
Expensive corn and ever-increasing demand from China and other foreign buyers are expected to keep alfalfa hay from becoming cheap in the West in 2013, according to longtime market expert Seth Hoyt (pictured)
Dec. 13 2012
Per case, mastitis and metritis rank as the most costly transition disorders. On every dairy, the transition period, the three weeks before to the three weeks after calving, is a critical time for our...
Dec. 10 2012
Technological advancements have streamlined many day-to-day tasks on farms. They enable us to keep better records, more accurately identify cattle and track production through a lactation
Nov. 21 2012
The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance is looking for the new face of farming and ranching. Two dairy producers are amongst the finalists. Deciding who agriculture's spokespersons should be is not a debate....
Nov. 15 2012
Seven steps that allow you to establish an effective mastitis control program. Over time, somatic cell count (SCC) levels on dairies in the U.S. have gradually dropped. With time though, it is likely that...
Nov. 9 2012
Many years and growing use of managed heat protocols by dairy producers continue to generate ways to fine-tune their use, as was discussed by Texas A&M University Extension Dairy Specialist Todd Bilby...
Nov. 8 2012
The 7th annual Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council annual meeting is underway in Sacramento, Calif. Over 250 attendees have registered from as far away as Brazil, the most in the event's history
Nov. 1 2012
Most medium and large sized herds experience transition period disorders. Activity monitoring could help detect disease sooner. A smooth transition out of the dry period is essential for cows to achieve...
Oct. 31 2012
Wisconsin still leads in dairy farms and cheese, but gave the milk production title to California in 1993, nearly 20 years ago. What will the next few years bring? Change is inevitable. It's a fact of...
Oct. 23 2012
A sea of blue corduroy will flood Indianapolis, Ind., in the next few days. High school agricultural students will descend on the 85th annual National FFA Convention on October 24 to October 27, 2012....
Oct. 1 2012
Judging teams will face off at Expo, but their coaches say experiences along the way are just as rewarding as the competition. While many of us grow up competing as dairy cattle judges, a few get the chance...
Sept. 29 2012
World Dairy Expo is always a ton of excitement. From the shows, sales, banquets and trade shows, there is always news. Hoard's Dairyman will again bring you Hoard's at Expo. We'll feature results of the...
Sept. 21 2012
The terms are all too familiar for those in animal agriculture: "growth hormone," "mad cow disease" and "factory farm." All are nicknames for longer, dryer formal names. The mainstream media loves them...
Sept. 20 2012
Saturday night, our industry endured yet another tragic loss with the passing of a Northern Ireland dairy farmer and his two sons. The three died from effects of exposure to poisonous manure gases as sons...
Sept. 17 2012
by Amanda Smith. It's not a new story that this year's drought will have severe consequence throughout production agriculture, especially for those who feed livestock